Saturday, October 24, 2009

From:Ateh Jess

I Love my sister, I wanted my own personal note so I begged her to write me one.  And low and behold I got it! She has nice handwriting doesn't she? Better than most I have to say.  Actually that's the best I've seen in the longest time. But this woman is amazing and she is immensely inspirational.  I couldn't have asked for a better friend/ateh.  It's crazy how we have common bonds and the same anniversary date..October 21st Who would have thought that a short period of  time would have brought us this close?  Trust me if you ever get to encounter her in your life you wont regret it.  She will be there for you hands down.  I remember on tumblr she would post these food posts! OH MY JEEBUS!! it made my mouth water and my tummy grumble.  hahaha But anyways.... I love you ateh! thank you for being there for me since the beginning.  I am blessed to have you as my sister [:
-zee babysister


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What! <3333 This made my eyes water!!! I'm just now seeing this and it's 2:30 in the morning! Geeeeeez, you are amazing sis. No matter what goes down, you know I'll always have your back. We're sisters and that's how it'll always be. Goodness... I haven't had anyone write anything for me like this in... years. I will always treasure this post as of this very moment I'm copying and pasting!

    You talk about ME being inspirational? What about you? You inspire me just as much as you say I inspire you. You are an amazing, young & beautiful woman. You carry and embrace yourself so well, I AM "IMMENSELY" proud of you. Truly, truly PROUD.

    No matter what people say when they try to define our friendship by the length of time we've known each other, they will just NEVER know. Sometimes, we meet people who greatly impact our lives and you my dear have impacted mine in ways I've known others for years haven't.

    Thank you for being a great friend, a wonderful sister, an inspiration not only to myself but for all the young women out there who look up to you the way they do. You are unstoppable sis <3 I love you!!!!! Thank you for all that YOU do :) Gosh.. you make me want to cry! Hahaha <33333

    - YOUR Ateh Jess!

    P.S. Hahaha, my handwriting! If I didn't have to pause so much though! Sometimes I write and I forget to curve my letters a certain way and then it starts to look tacky <3 Awwww, this just means I need to write you more notes. In fact, Ateh should just write you a letter!

  2. she does have nice ass handwriting. ;]
