Saturday, October 24, 2009

like mother like daughter...SIKE.

I know I always talk about having respect for your parents no matter how bad the situation may get blah blah blah blah blah.  Well I take everything I said back.  I have no right to say those things, because I don't know how bad other kids have it with their parents.  Some probably have it so bad that they have reason's to despise their parents.  I would be considered as those "some".  I despise my mother to the utmost, I've had those feelings as long as I can remember.  They have been repressed for the longest, but now I just find myself exploding.  

I'm not going to beat around the bush, I HATE MY MOTHER.  YES I SAID IT.  And before you make any type of judgement against me you better know the story behind my anger.  And if you don't, you can take all your "thats fucked up she said that, you shouldn't disrespect your parent's" critiques and shove it up your ass.  And if you think I'm saying that part out of "my anger" you are strongly mistaken.  I don't expect anyone to really understand, I mean who really would?.. and I mean completely understand? anyways...

I am so fed up it's ridiculous -___- my head is pulsing..I've never been so mad. aht;oahtg;hanglah;hya;wht;wht!!!!!!
I've never been pushed so far in my life. And I would never have expected it from my own mother.....lets hope it gets better from here....Keep me in your prayers guys.


  1. I'm saying my prayers for you sis. I'm sorry you're dealing with this right now. I to feel this way but with my Stepdad. It's been ongoing now for way too many years. Just keep yourself together and don't let her break you even though you and I both know Mothers have that way of doing it. You're a strong woman and you will get through this, just like every other time your Mom has pushed your buttons. Breathe in, breathe out. WOOSAH sis, WOOSAH. <3

  2. I can't say I know what youre going through but I can say that at times I feel the same way. I hope you feel better and keep your head up cos "it's always the darkest before the sun comes up." I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers hun<3
